The Ministry of Hospitality
In the body of Christ, there exists a wonderful variety of ministries,
which are especially evident when we gather around the altar to worship
God. By virtue of our baptism in Christ, some of us are called to serve as ministers of the liturgical assembly. This ministry is called an usher or greeter.
Your first role is to welcome the people of God to the celebration. As an usher/greeter, you are the first smiling face to welcome people into our church doors. This faithful ministry brings a dignified order to the celebration of the Sacred Mysteries.
Your role is to assist those looking to find a seat, to assist gift bearers in preparation for taking up the gifts at the offertory, to take up the weekly collection, to guide the Communion process, and to distribute bulletins or other handouts as needed.
If you are interested in more information or in volunteering for this important ministry, please contact Father Weis.